
This method can be applied on your server-side, in order to get all the discount codes which have been allocated to customers (via email triggers, sms triggers or newsletter).

Method: GET


Function parameters

Field Type Required Description
k number or text True The REST API Key can be found into your account Settings -> Integration -> REST API Key, second field.
date text True Date in yyyy-mm-dd format

Your account status must be in one of the states: PAID, PAYMENT ERROR or ACCOUNT SUSPENDED.

If your account is INACTIVE or CLOSED the API call will not work.

The API call will respond with JSON format.


   require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

   $apiURL = "";
   $apiKey = "MyAPI_REST_Key";
   $date   = "2021-10-04";

   $client = new GuzzleHttp\Client();

   $discountsData = [
       "k" => $apiKey,
       "date" => $date

   $statusRequest = $client->request("GET", $apiURL . "discount-codes", ["query" => $discountsData]);

If the API call succeeds, then the response will be as seen below:

    status: "success",
    data: [
             "email": "",
             "code": "multiuse_code",
             "used": null,
             "type": "multiuse", // For multi use codes
             "date": "2021-09-14 08:50:52",
            "expire_date": "",
            "discount_type": {
                "token": "multiuse_percentage_10",
                "type": "multiuse_percentage",
                "value": "10",
                "name": "multiuse_code"
            "email": "",
            "code": "unique_code",
            "used": true,
            "type": "unique", // For unique discount codes
            "date": "2021-09-14 08:50:52",
            "expire_date": "",
            "discount_type": {
                "token": "unique_percentage_10",
                "type": "unique_percentage",
                "value": "10",
                "name": "unique_code"

If the API call fails, the response will be as seen below:

    status: "Incorrect key" // if invalid API key is used


    status: "Incorrect date" // if date isn't provided